Tuesday, December 06, 2005

yet another day

"another day another dollar", used to say my boss in Ireland.
another day, another piece of puzzle goes down.
"13 working days until Christmas" -shouts flipchart in our office.
today was good day, i have to admit, if you consider the result. the process itself is less and less exciting. i hope that playing basketball will put me back on track. because for the whole bloody day eyes were set on laptop while mind was travelling out of time and space - visiting the girl i love. despite world is getting smaller and smaller, still we are thousand miles away...
tommorow is exciting in a way. will see what this offer of international trainings and seminars is all about. even though it perfectly falls out of the picture and is not in the direction i planned - why not to see what is it all about. be open for life and it will be open for you. let see. now is time to shut-up myself and shut-down my dear friend - pc..

1 comment:

tatsi said...

be open for life and it will be open for you - hmm, that's true:)