Monday, November 20, 2006

Is it a time to step out from youth work?

maybe it is the coincidence maybe it is the sign from above, but some thing recently tell me that i should be moving on with other things in my life. Not only that i have a good reason to put more energy into professional and business, but also some setbacks...

maybe it is not so serious and i am just becoming either too sensitive or too tired (most probably both), but the level of tolerance is constantly dropping down. i don't want to sound too negative, but attitude of people sometimes is what i don't understand.. well... it is still early, its 7.05, i am on the train to Brussels airport and it could be that the course of the day will still change and bring some nice emotions and things to remember and to learn from. i just have to be patient until i get into the loving and caring hands of my sweet-heart. hmmm, maybe that is the reason of my frustration?


Anonymous said...

It is normal. Yes - U R sensitive, U R tired, but... there is something more - loving hands:) And it is not normal to feel them around U only once in a week/a month.

Think about Your girlfriend and a known lithuanian proverb: "geriau Marius rankoj, nei erelis Briusely"... :)

And even more... - it is time to become a father, my dear friend.

tatsi said...

wow, i see some great changes are going to happend in you life ;)