Monday, November 26, 2007

Philosophical mood, letter from Stockholm

Sitting in the airport of Stockholm and it really feels that Christmas is coming…. :) never been so close to the place where Santa Claus supposes to live… City and airport is flashing with red decorations and the smell of Christmas trees is softly tickling nose… even though it is still almost a month of 2007 we have to survive, thoughts about what has happened this year comes to mind.. as well as gingerly thoughts and wished about/for 2008..

This year brought many exciting emotions and challenges; it was definitely one of the best years in my life so far. Now I have to plan not only my personal life and challenges but family matters as well. Ulozas family doubled this year (I have to confess I am happy and bit proud that my wife took my family:) will this growth continue next year? I do hope so. On the professional level – I will have my first training as Council of Europe trainer, hope to do more trainings in Lithuania so that could be closer to my family. Topic about politics – I hope next year would bring interesting challenges in this area as well, since I kinda made up my mind to do more in this sphere.

In 2008 I will turn 30… interesting how I will react to this change. It is mental but a step.

In Stockholm I was part of MDG seminar. For those who don’t know, MDG stand for Millenium Development Goals, campaign aimed at reducing poverty and other nasty things which effect large part of mankind. I will post a link to some websites so that you could read some more about it. The event was extraordinary in the sense that we had people not only all over the Europe but also from Asia, Caribbean and South America. I value and appreciate so much what my involvement in youth work gives to me – fantastic chance to meet extremely interesting people from all over the world. I hope that my world quest will not finish soon, at least not in 2008.

Best greetings and.. Merry Christmas!! Marius