Monday, December 18, 2006

EUrope - simple plan how to safe Europe

just added daily random NASA picture to my Google personalized homepage... so now everyday i will be given a chance to admire our beautiful planet.

and.. it brings me back to the discussion which we had with mr. Asser, two swedes (Magnus & Magnus), film-maker Valeriu from Moldova and two American girls sitting on the next table. The discussion was all about Europe, EU federalism, need of Constitution and how better place Europe would be without France...

we identified two ways to strengthen Europe, one positive, one negative.

- create symbols of Europe (like Big Ben in UK, Akropolis in Greece, Eiffel in France);
- have European heroes - role models. at the end of the day it could be President of EU.
- united European team in Olympics, Football WordCup, etc.
- stop calling Football "soccer"!!! we created the game, we mastered it and we play it with... foot (compared with other game which bares the same name but has very little to do both foot and ball)
- launch European Space program! We can do it!Especially if we cut on budget expenditures on agriculture....

- cut the France out of Europe's map - instead of that we will have European sea! i think Germany, Netherlands and other neighbouring countries would not mind ;)
-send all Frenchmen to US along with potatoes from Poland - Americans would appreciate genuine French Fries with affordable price! (little comment from next table - we never thought that u hate us (US) that much:)
- send all Frenchmen to Space (see the previous "positive" suggestions). Planet Earth will be grateful and at the same time Europe will be expanded beyond its geographical boundaries!

Vivat Europa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the third positive point. I only wonder, why a Lithuanian is talking about football.